Embarrassing Moment #2

So today I end up with my head in the lower abdominal area of a fellow commuter.

Please, please, let me explain before your mind gets carried away and you get the wrong idea! I’m not THAT girl!

So anyway, I’m on my way to work on the northern line during rush hour. Anybody who has been on the northern line at this time can back me up when I say it is packed! People pour out of the carriages at Tube link stations, and people clamor in at every other station, basically. Luckily, I was able to get a seat on one of those fold up seats reserved for pushchairs when someone got off at Stockwell.

I mind my own business, reading the paper until we get to Bank, where I get off. As I stand up, the guy next to me was shuffling about to let other people off but pushed me over in the process.

Thankfully, since it was packed, my fall was cushioned by other passengers rather than falling bum first onto the floor. Nope. Instead I fall diagonally and somehow get my hair caught in this ladies coat buttons. As if falling over isn’t embarrassing enough in front of an audience, I now am drawing even more attention to my inappropriately placed head. I try to rectify myself but find myself still hopelessly entwined with this stranger.

When I finally freed myself, I apologised and ran through those tube doors like nobodies business. I even ran up to stairs and escalators (on the left side, for anybody who has read my previous post…) to make sure I didn’t run into anybody who may have witnessed this melodrama.

Despite all of the fuss, that man didn’t pay any mind, let alone turn around. I even made one of my stupid sounds as I went down and the perpetrator STILL didn’t turn around. I feel cheated out of an apology (queue the violins).

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